The other is another Valentine gift bucket; this time for my friend's son and his fiance. Hence the little porcupine and doggy. I love the little hearts; they don't show up too well in this picture but I colored the animals and the hearts with odorless mineral spirits and Prismacolor pencils - my first time to experiment with odorless mineral spirits. Sure makes the coloring look more natural...well...I think so! Since this is a combined bucket I tried to capture something for each of them...a beaded gel pen (green); matching mechanical pencil - okay, so I left the beads off his!!! A heart truffle (yum); little pedicure kit, candy...and gosh...can't remember what else I put in there. I hope they enjoy the treats.

And for those of you still with me here...DID YOU NOTICE??? Huh, huh? Didya, didya??? MY NEW BLOG BANNER - is it not the ***COOLEST*** thing? Sam C. designed the banner for me and I LOVE it; she's also helping the technically challenged (that would be me) redo a few more things on the blog. So check back often, you never know what you might find!
Have a great evening; sleep tight!
This card is the layout, embossing and color choices!