

PSA - how to spend money!

Sometimes queenie poo makes us do crazy stuff!

HA...just kidding, but she does have some GREAT news so I wanted to share it with you!  Direct from the Queen of Glasgow:

"Just wanted to let you know some fabulicious news...Ladybug Crafts Ink is having a SALE woo hoo!!! Starting Monday August 1 to Monday August 15, ALL stamps will be buy one get one 1/2 price with the cheaper one being 1/2 price and if that's not gonna do it for you how about FREE postage too??!!!!"

Yeah, she's crazy,but love her dearly.  So crafty friends...go forth and spend your know you CAN'T take it with you when you're dead!

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Thank you so much for visiting and taking time to leave me a note! I read every single one and *heart* hearing from you. Hugs, ~M.